Home Improvement

Regular Maintenance Tips to Prevent Air Conditioner Breakdowns

Only 4 out of 10 homeowners in America invest in routine air conditioner maintenance. Most other people only search “AC maintenance near me” when their units break down. Unfortunately, at this point, they’re forced to spend a fortune on repair or even replacement. You can avoid these unnecessary costs by maintaining your air conditioner regularly. You may, however, argue you don’t know how to do this work. Keep reading, as this blog shares regular maintenance tips to prevent air conditioner breakdowns. 

Change the Air Filter Regularly

Over time, the air filters in your AC unit accumulate dust and debris. When this happens, it restricts the airflow, making the unit work harder, using more energy and producing a lot of noise. If you don’t change the filter, your air conditioner is likely to break down.

That’s why you should change the filters at least once every month. Depending on your usage there months you can avoid changing them as cleaning them is sufficient. However, to decide whether to clean or change the air filters you’ll need to inspect them regularly. 

Clean the Condenser Coils

Your air conditioner relies on condenser coils to release heat from your home. With time these components get dirty which can lower its ability to dissipate heat efficiently. When this happens, your unit is likely to start overheating, damaging other components and failing. 

You can easily mitigate this risk by cleaning the conder coils once every year. Use a soft brush or garden hose to remove the dirt and debris. 

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Although you can do most air conditioner maintenance work yourself, you most likely don’t have the right tools. Besides, you might have fears of opening up your unit and struggling to put back the component. If you have this fear search for “AC maintenance near me”. 

The idea is to find AC specialists to do the work. The experts will guide you on the right way to clean and change different parts. They’ll help you know the proper way to lubricate moving parts to reduce friction which often causes rapid wear and tear. 

Read online reviews and seek references from other homeowners to find reliable AC maintenance specialists in your area

Avoid Overworking the System

Using your air conditioner 24/7 the entire year can lead to breakdowns. You’re overworking the unit as you most likely turn it on even when it’s not necessary. Give it a break by considering alternative ways to regulate your home temperature. 

During hot seasons, consider turning on the fans instead of relying on your air conditioner. Minimizing your AC usage can reduce breakdown and prolong the unit’s lifespan. 


Investing in regular air conditioner maintenance can help you avoid costly breakdowns. The good news is that you don’t have to do the work yourself, as you can seek professional help. Utilize the internet to search for “AC maintenance near me”. Strive to find competent specialists who offer preventive air conditioner maintenance services. With their help, you can ensure your unit runs optimally.

Ryan Erwin

I am an acclaimed cybersecurity expert and author, specializing in the intricacies of login processes and security protocols for various online portals. With over 15 years of experience in the field, I have become an authority on understanding and evaluating the complexities of authentication mechanisms, user experience, and data protection.

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